Saturday, June 26, 2010

My Gardening Family

Gardening takes many qualities including diligence, patience, love, and knowledge of the plants and their surroundings.
In return our family receives the joys and beauty of our garden.
Granted it will take a few years for the yard and garden to establish and fill in but for now we are enjoying the planning and planting parts.

Veggies and flowers started from seed.
Long process but we learned a lot.

Ben cutting rebar for the tomato cages.

Measuring and leveling to perfection.

A picture of Faye for good measure.

Ben's done so much more. I will post more pictures later!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Jolie 1st Grade

First Day

Last Day
Jolie loved, Loved, LOVED her 1st grade teacher and class. She was heartbroken when she realized 2nd grade comes with a new teacher and classmates. But it's summer and you can't stay sad too long.